Treatment Options for Leaner, Sleeker Arms

The arms are one of the hardest areas of the body to spot-tone and slim down. But with the help of The Plastic Surgery Group, you can get the lean, sleek arm contour you desire. Our team offers safe, effective treatments that will help you achieve your aesthetic goals.
If your diet and exercise efforts have not produced the fat-reducing effect you hoped for, a liposuction procedure may be an appropriate solution. During a liposuction procedure, the plastic surgeon uses a thin, hollow tube called a cannula to break up and suction out fat from the upper arms. Removing this arm fat creates a slimmer and sleeker arm appearance and can make it easier to fit your arms into certain types of tops and jackets.
The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis, so you can return home the same day to recover. The surgical incisions are very tiny and created in the natural creases of the arms, so scarring is virtually unnoticeable.
One caveat to liposuction is that you will see the best results if you have good-quality skin that has some elasticity to it. The skin should retract or tighten up over the smaller arm contour after surgery for the best cosmetic result.
If your arm skin has not retained good firmness and elasticity, our team may recommend another procedure, called Brachioplasty, as a suitable alternative.
Arm Lift
Brachioplasty, more commonly known as arm lift, improves the appearance of arms affected by excess fat and loose, excess skin. It is commonly sought after by people whose skin quality deteriorates after significant weight fluctuation or due to the effects of the aging process.
During the procedure, the surgeon uses liposuction techniques to remove excess fat. The surgeon also removes excess skin from the armpits to the elbows, further improving the contour of the arms. Addressing fat and skin enables the plastic surgeon to completely transform the arms.
Like liposuction, an arm lift is performed on an outpatient basis. The procedure is performed through incisions made on the inside of the arm from the armpit to the elbow. The length of the incision depends on the amount of excess skin that needs to be excised.
As long as you maintain your weight and general fitness level after liposuction or arm lift, you should be able to enjoy your firm, slim arm contour for a long time.
For more information about improving the appearance of your arms, the team at The Plastic Surgery Group invites you to schedule a consultation today.