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Rhinoplasty is one of Canada’s most popular plastic surgeries today, and it’s easy to understand why. The surgery can transform the nose and balance the whole face. In addition, it can improve nasal function.

At the Plastic Surgery Group at City Centre, our highly experienced plastic surgeons are cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty experts passionate about helping our patients look and feel their best. Our clinic, located across from Surrey Memorial Hospital, is one of BC’s largest and best-established plastic surgery clinics, with years of excellent results and happy patients.

When our patients come in for rhinoplasty consultations, one of the main topics we cover is surgery options. Open and closed rhinoplasty can deliver great results but are very different approaches.

Closed Rhinoplasty

With this technique, your surgeon creates incisions inside the nostrils and performs all corrections from within the nose. This approach may be ideal for patients who want to change nose width or projection, for example, reshaping the nasal bridge.

The closed approach is less invasive and results in reduced swelling and, potentially, a shorter recovery. However, closed rhinoplasty has limited visibility and access to some parts of the nose, like the tip.

Open Rhinoplasty

In open rhinoplasty, your surgeon creates a small external incision on the columella (the tissue that separates the nostrils) and two additional incisions within the nose.

This incision pattern allows your surgeon to lift the skin of the nose, exposing the bone, cartilage, and septum for direct visibility during the procedure.

The open rhinoplasty approach allows for even highly complex corrections to every part of the nose. It’s also the go-to method for revision rhinoplasty, where patients need precise correction of a previous surgery.

While open rhinoplasty involves slightly more swelling and a visible scar, the columella scar typically fades over time and becomes barely noticeable.

Comparing Open and Closed Rhinoplasty

Each technique has unique advantages:

Closed Rhinoplasty Benefits

  • No visible external scars
  • Less swelling post-surgery
  • Shorter surgery
  • Recovery may be faster

While these advantages are attractive, remember that your surgeon can see only a limited area within your nose during a closed rhinoplasty, limiting your ability to make changes. A closed rhinoplasty isn’t the right choice for major changes in cartilage, only bone.

Open Rhinoplasty Benefits

  • Direct visibility for detailed reshaping
  • One small external scar, which fades in time
  • Offers significant nose shape and structure changes
  • Best for major adjustments or revisions

An open rhinoplasty offers the most comprehensive results. However, some patients may want to avoid external incisions or only require minor changes that point them toward a closed rhinoplasty.

Each rhinoplasty approach effectively reshapes the nose, but unique individual considerations may mean that one or the other is the better fit for you. We evaluate your facial anatomy and discuss your goals to determine the ideal surgical approach.

Rhinoplasty in BC

Considering rhinoplasty? Call the Plastic Surgery Group at City Centre at 604-589-6021 to schedule a consultation in Surrey, BC, today.


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