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Mini Lift or Full Facelift in Surrey, B.C.

When contemplating facial rejuvenation, you may find yourself weighing the options between full facelift and mini facelift. Both procedures, which are offered here at the Plastic Surgery Group at City Centre, aim to restore a more youthful appearance but are designed for different needs and expectations. Understanding the distinctions between these two can help you make a more informed decision about which procedure might be best suited for your cosmetic goals.

Full Facelift: Comprehensive Rejuvenation

Full facelift, also known as a traditional facelift, offers the most comprehensive results in terms of reversing the signs of aging. This procedure typically addresses sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and excess fat in the lower two-thirds of the face, including the neck. Full facelift is particularly effective for those with significant signs of aging who are seeking dramatic improvements.


  • Extensive Correction: Targets moderate to severe facial sagging and deep creases around the mouth, nose, and along the jawline.
  • Long-lasting Results: Because it’s a comprehensive approach, the results of full facelift can last for many years — often up to a decade or longer.
  • Enhanced Jawline and Neck Profile: Full facelift can significantly improve the definition of the jawline and reduce sagging in the neck area.


  • Recovery Time: Requires a longer recovery period, typically several weeks, with more significant swelling and bruising.
  • Invasiveness: More extensive surgery means there are more risks associated with anesthesia and complications.

Mini Facelift: Targeted Improvements

Mini facelift is less invasive than full facelift and is suitable for individuals who have mild to moderate signs of aging, primarily in the mid-face and jawline. This procedure is often favored by younger patients or those who need only slight corrections to maintain their youthful appearance.


  • Focused Corrections: Ideal for tightening slight sagging around the cheeks, jawline, and neck.
  • Shorter Recovery Time: Patients typically recover faster, often within a week, due to less extensive surgical work.
  • Less Invasive: With smaller incisions, mini facelift involves less risk and can often be performed under local anesthesia with sedation.


  • Subtler Results: While effective, the changes are less dramatic than those achieved with a full facelift.
  • Duration of Results: The results may not be as long-lasting as those from full facelift, usually holding up for about five to seven years.

Speak to a Talented Plastic Surgeon

Choosing between a full and mini facelift depends largely on your age, the degree of aging signs, your health, and your cosmetic expectations. Consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can assess your facial structure, skin quality, and aesthetic goals to recommend the best procedure for you. This personalized approach ensures that you receive the most appropriate treatment to achieve a naturally rejuvenated appearance. Call our office in Surrey, B.C., at (604) 589-6021 to make an appointment.

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