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Breast Augmentation in Surrey, B.C.

When it comes to breast augmentation, many women wonder if there is a “right” age to undergo the procedure. The truth is that age itself isn’t the primary factor when considering breast augmentation. It’s more about your health, lifestyle, and personal goals. If you’re pondering whether you might be too old for breast augmentation, here are some key considerations from the doctors at the Plastic Surgery Group at City Centre to help guide your decision.

1. Overall Health Is More Important Than Age

Health is the paramount consideration, not just in breast augmentation, but in any surgical procedure. If you are in good general health, have realistic expectations, and understand the procedure and its recovery process, you may be a good candidate for breast augmentation. During your consultation, your surgeon will evaluate your health history, current medications, and overall fitness to determine if breast augmentation is safe for you.

2. Skin Elasticity Matters

As we age, our skin loses some of its natural elasticity. For breast augmentation, the condition of your skin can be a significant factor in the outcome. Good skin elasticity helps in achieving a more natural appearance post-surgery. If your skin retains good elasticity, despite your age, breast augmentation can still be a viable option. Fortunately, if skin laxity is a concern, breast augmentation can be combined with breast lift.

3. Lifestyle Considerations

Think about your lifestyle and how breast augmentation fits into it. If you lead an active lifestyle, consider how recovery and changes in your body shape might impact your activities. Also, consider how your motivations — whether aesthetic or reconstructive — align with your personal health and wellness goals.

4. Emotional Readiness

Emotional readiness is crucial for any elective surgery. It’s important to undergo breast augmentation for yourself and not due to external pressures. Being confident in your decision generally leads to greater satisfaction with the results.

5. Expectations of Results

With age, the body naturally undergoes changes, and the results of breast augmentation might differ from those seen in younger women. Discuss with your surgeon what is achievable and realistic. Viewing before-and-after photos of patients in your age group can also provide a clearer expectation of potential outcomes.

Learn More from an Elite Plastic Surgeon

Age should never be the sole deciding factor when considering breast augmentation. Women of any age can enjoy the benefits of enhanced self-esteem and satisfaction with their body image after breast augmentation, provided they are healthy, have realistic expectations, and are prepared for the surgery and its recovery. If you’re considering this procedure, schedule a consultation with one of the top plastic surgeons in Surrey, B.C. Call (604) 589-6021 today.

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